Quercus Ilex - Vivaio Trasolini

“C’è qualcuno seduto all’ombra oggi...
Warren Buffett
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
- Warren Buffett
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
- Warren Buffett
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
perché qualcun altro ha piantato un albero molto tempo fa”
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
- Warren Buffett
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
- Warren Buffett
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
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Quercus Ilex

Quercus Ilex (Evergreen oak) It is an evergreen tree belonging to the Fagaceae family, with a single stem that can reach a height of up to 20–24 m. If it grows in rocky environments, it can take on the appearance of a bush. It has a very long life, being able to become centuries old, but it has a very slow growth.
The bark is smooth and grey when young; over time, it becomes hard and dark, almost blackish, finely cracked in small, persistent, and almost square-shaped plates.
Quercus ilex is widely used as an ornamental plant, it is used alone or in groups in parks and large gardens. Also used in the formation of tall formal hedges, partitions, evergreen groves, as well as for reforestation and urban forestation.
Copyright © Azienda Agricola Trasolini Anna
Cisterna di Latina (LT) Via Monti Lepini no. 132 - Italy
VAT No. 02951120597 - Tax Code TRSNNA74T64L719U
Copyright © Azienda Agricola Trasolini Anna
Cisterna di Latina (LT) Via Monti Lepini no. 132 - Italy
VAT No. 02951120597 - Tax Code TRSNNA74T64L719U
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