Quercus Suber - Vivaio Trasolini

“C’è qualcuno seduto all’ombra oggi...
Warren Buffett
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
- Warren Buffett
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
- Warren Buffett
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
perché qualcun altro ha piantato un albero molto tempo fa”
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
- Warren Buffett
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
“Someone's sitting in the shade today...
- Warren Buffett
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
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Quercus Suber

Quercus Suber (Cork oak) It is an evergreen tree belonging to the Fagaceae family, which can reach 20 metres in height and an age of 250-300 years; native to
south-western Europe and north-western Africa, it has long been naturalised and it is now spontaneous throughout the western basin of the Mediterranean Sea.
As the name suggests, the most evident feature of this tree is the remarkable development of the rhytidome (the outer part of the bark), which forms a fairly thick coating, from which the cork is obtained.
Quercus suber is widely used as an ornamental plant, it is used alone or in groups in parks, large gardens, as well as for reforestation and urban forestation.
Copyright © Azienda Agricola Trasolini Anna
Cisterna di Latina (LT) Via Monti Lepini no. 132 - Italy
VAT No. 02951120597 - Tax Code TRSNNA74T64L719U
Copyright © Azienda Agricola Trasolini Anna
Cisterna di Latina (LT) Via Monti Lepini no. 132 - Italy
VAT No. 02951120597 - Tax Code TRSNNA74T64L719U
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